Career Profile

SRE with a strong software engineering background, supporting services at scale. Constantly seeking to replace the human variable in systems maintenance and growth, with the help of other humans.


Apple, Inc., Cupertino

Jan. 2022 - Present
Senior iCloud SRE
Cross-functional coordination, Kubernetes, Helm, Spinnaker, nginx, Java, Go, Capacity planning
  • Support iCloud's traffic proxy solution
  • Lead an SRE team of 4 with project planning and weekly syncs
  • Orchestrate the migration to IPv6 of most iCloud Services
  • Participate in the capacity planning effort to reduce operational costs and improve lead times
  • Support Apple Media Platforms content ingestion

Apple Inc., Cupertino

Jun. 2019 - Jan. 2022
iCloud SRE Manager
Team management, Cross functional collaboration, Infrastructure Design Automation, Kubernetes, Spinnaker
  • Manage and grow the iCloud Identity SRE team
  • Support business-critical services
  • Inspire automation efforts
  • Foster tight SWE-SRE communication, reshaping the production culture
  • Layout the foundations and drive the effort to reach Continuous Delivery
  • Support the compute migration to Kubernetes
  • Uphold SLO standards (>=99.99%)
  • Restructure the team to implement a multi-site paradigm with London, UK
  • Drive the effort to reduce the on-call footprint by 90%

Westfield LLC., Los Angeles

Feb. 2018 - May. 2019
Engineering Manager & Senior DevOps Engineer
AWS, Flask, Python, Ruby on Rails, GCP, Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Microservices, TravisCI, Terraform, New Relic, Sumo Logic, Chef, Team and Project Management
  • Architect the Westfield Digital group's cloud infrastructure
  • Deploy Monitoring across all projects and setup alerting based off New Relic and Sumo Logic
  • Maintain and enhance custom monitoring and alerting systems for mall Digital Directories
  • Create in-house Slack chatbot to automate human-triggered deployments
  • Develop a custom CI/CD solution to deploy any micro service
  • Implement Review Apps to allow automatic deployment and deletion of in-progress features
  • Develop an abstraction layer EC2 Parameter Store to ease the company's secret management
  • Migrate Production Environment from Heroku to Amazon Web Services with ECS
  • Setup CI/CD for in-house ETL platform hosted on Google Cloud Platform (Cloud Function, Dataflow)
  • Develop a Ruby/Rails gem to integrate GCP PubSub within the ActiveSupport/ActiveModel paradigm
  • Refresh and maintain the Chef environment

Washos, Los Angeles

Aug. 2016 - Jan. 2018
Software Engineer
Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Vue.js, REST, Heroku
  • Develop the company's data analysis platform
  • Bridge the company user base with Zendesk to improve customer support
  • Enhance the operations dashboard to ease taking of actions
  • Improve the vendor-facing web application
  • Maintain and improve the company's back-office web application
  • Re-architecture the staging environement revolving around Heroku App Reviews
  • Provide an interactive and reactive tool to easily modify vendors' working areas
  • Develop the B2B technical workflow into the platform
  • Security audit of the platform and patch the vulnerability bugs

Dalenys SA, Amsterdam

Oct. 2013 - Jul. 2016
Software Engineer
Python, C, MySQL, MongoDB, REST APIs, Docker, Django, Flask, Git, Debian
  • Develop and maintain premium-rate phone billing platform, processing 20 million calls monthly
  • Produce monthly inter-operator billing, including updates to billing terms
  • Update Quality Assurance and Continuous Integration of various projects
  • Produce and manage inter-operator number portability system
  • Assist the operation team with its own deployment solution

Outscale SA, Paris

Oct. 2012 - Oct. 2013
Software Engineer
AWS, Python, OpenStack, PostgreSQL
  • Enhanced and maintained the company-made IaaS platform
  • Implemented the Amazon Web Services IAM API
  • Bootstrappped the Continuous Integration platform
  • Designed and implemented a multi back-end monitoring automation tool

Epitech, Paris

Mar. 2010 - Dec. 2014
Teaching Assistant
Teaching, C, C++, Python, Security, Unix/Linux/BSDs, x86/amd64 assembly
  • Lectured class of 70 students in C, C++, POSIX C API and x86 assembly
  • Graded students projects (C/C++, x86 assembly, binary flow security)
  • Organized and monitored labs
  • Wrote 4 subjects

Skills & Proficiency


C | Python | Linux (Debian) | Object Oriented Programming | DevOps/SRE/PE | Scalability | Distributed Systems | The Game Boy


Rust | Docker | Kubernetes | Go | C++ | AWS | Vim | GNU Emacs | POSIX Shell | MySQL | MongoDB | Postgresql | Django | OpenBSD | FreeBSD | Nginx | Git | Concurrent Programming | Ruby on Rails | Heroku | GCP | Cloud Architectures | Low Level Programming